
[video] 🚀 The Stealth Fast Track from "Stuck Here" to "Amazing There"

The #1 thing to know about you

A couple weeks ago, I made a quick video for my private mentoring “Catalyst” clients that I’ve decided to share with you, too. I call it the “Tunnel” video and it’s just 9 minutes long. The transcript is here for you, too - see the button?

Background on this video and the “tunnel” theme

My 6-month program, “The Catalyst,” has me working with each of my clients on a one-on-one basis, coaching them and being available to them as their ready-access mentor to achieve their greatest desires … you know, “greatest desires” being those big wants that could actually transform your life.

Because that’s what you want, right? I mean … let’s just get honest here:

“Incremental” achievement sucks.

“Transformational?” That’s a significant and measurable difference in your life.

This “Tunnel” video, above, stems from just a few quick notes I had initially planned to send to one client who’s reading Ernest Holmes’ groundbreaker book, “This Thing Called You.” But as I thought about what I wanted to write to her, I thought, “This is such a phenomenal reminder of every person’s built-in personal power that I think every single person needs to hear this.”

This includes you.

Thanks for reading Your World of Quantum Leaps! Of course you can share it with that person who just popped into your mind.


These days, there’s so much going on out there and in your life that you might not be feeling so powerful lately.

You might not even believe you have a built-in personal power because … “Really, Diane? … just look at my life!” could be what you’re thinking out there.

In some cases, a few rare BLIPS of your power have showed up … “Yes! I’ve got the power!” ⚡ 💪 ⚡ kind of moments … But then you feel yourself fade back into your usual life at your usual pace with the usual expectations for what you’ll usually achieve next. (Which isn’t bad by any stretch but not anything like what it would feel like to achieve your “greatest desires.”)

In his book, Ernest explains this as if you’re peering through a tunnel. You’re standing in a world that’s dry and scrubby and you’re looking through this dark tunnel to a glimpse of what looks like the Land of Oz on the other side. But do you dare walk through that dark tunnel of the unknown?

Setting goals that are worthy of you

Now, in this short video, I also refer to the “2025 Plan” worksheet I had sent out to each of my Catalyst clients. Rather than just a goal planner for the year ahead, this exercise worked them through a process of qualifying and disqualifying goals based on the goal’s worthiness.

Honestly, most of the goals you’ve set for yourself don’t even deserve you. You're way better than what you usually settle for.

As you can imagine, this exercise on setting worthy goals stirred it right up, all the emotions swirling. In fact, to quite a few of them, it felt like they were standing at the edge of that tunnel … here in the usual place (that somehow feels like they’re settling) … peering at the place they wish to be living in.

Most people settle because they don’t understand how powerful they really are. That power isn’t something you have to go get in some “to go” hamburger line …like, “Hi, I’d like to order a Big Mac and fries and a side of personal power” kind of thing. It’s already built in, woven right into your DNA core. But somewhere along the way, you were told or convinced that you’re a run-of-the-mill usual kind of human and that kind of usual doesn’t wield a lot of power.

But I believe in your power. Me. I do.

In fact I don’t just believe you’ve got immense personal power … I KNOW you’ve got it.

And our author friend, Ernest Holmes, does, too.

So, why don’t you hold on to OUR belief for YOU? When you can hold on to someone else’s belief for you … everything changes.

I can’t tell you how many times Bob Proctor would tell me, “Di, if you can’t believe quite yet that you have the ability to do this big thing, I will believe for you.”

That act of faith on his part made me believe in me. Once I began to believe in me … everything in my environment and circumstance molded around my dream.

My “Catalyst” program is about molding your life around your dream. You’re calling the shots. You’re in charge.

Many of you know that Bob Proctor chose me to be his writer way back on my first full day of owning my own entrepreneurial business. For the next 27 years, we were writing partners on just about everything produced for his company. But as remarkable as that business relationship was, it was the way he worked with my mind that changed up my entire world.

Bob the mighty Jedi Master and me, the Padawan apprentice … now that was a daily experience of challenging my “usual” and learning to trust in my personal power to innovate true change and transformation in my life.

What he did for me worked. Complete, astounding, lasting transformation.
And that’s why I’ve created “Catalyst” in similar fashion.

When you’re a client in “Catalyst,” you can bounce anything off of me, flag me on struggles you’re dealing with, or just raise the flag to tell me you need advice to move from this point to that point. Meanwhile, I’m customizing every thought, note, assignment and coaching moment for you, individualized for YOU … you there (I’m pointing at you) with all that built-in power. 👊 I’m also assigning you different authors and books to read, based on what I feel is the best additional support for you personally as we reach for – and finally attain – those transformations that change your entire life trajectory.

See, most people have been trained to think they’ve got little or no control in the trajectory of their life. In “Catalyst,” you’re going to learn that you’ve got ALL the control.

The program comes with all sorts of additional bells and whistles. But what’s most important … typically, a program that gives you ready access to “the” mentor and a customized plan just for you is in the tens of thousands. Not so for “Catalyst.”

Here’s a simple gift from me to you

First, check out this “Tunnel” video.
Then … buckle up! Ready to put your goals through the “worthy of you” litmus test (or just set the first meaningful goals yet)? Just hit “REPLY” on this email or send me a fresh email at Diane@DianeArmitage.com
Ask me to send you the “
Be the Catalyst - A 2025 Plan” worksheet.
Because transformation in your life starts with choosing goals that are worthy of powerful you.
I’ll be here to walk you through it and/or answer any questions.