Hello there! Quick note from me on this glorious Tuesday afternoon –
I’m assuming at this point that you’ve either attended one of my live “Tower of Power” webinars or you’ve watched (or at least begun to watch) the recorded replay we put here:
So, you may get the concept of this “on paper” … but how does it make a difference in applying it to your life … to maybe a decision you’ve been mulling?
Well, here’s an example from my own life.
I came up with a great idea last week that was WAY up there in the “seems pretty impossible” realm … outlandish really … but by using my Tower of Power, I quickly carried the idea through to action.
Now, while I certainly encourage you to watch this video, I want to explain the very most important point behind me teaching this live class: Starting on Halloween Day, you and I are going to turn your “pretty impossible” idea into reality. And we’re going to do this in 60 days or less.
I’ll help you personally create your entire strategy … I”ll personally walk you through every step along the way. You’ll have one-on-one sessions with me as well as text and email access to me all the way through this process.
Because it’s time. It’s just time that you figured out how to be the Managing Director of YOUR Tower of Power. Time for you to be in control - because that’s when it ALL starts falling into place.
Here’s the transcript explaining this all from the above video:
For the last couple of weeks I've been talking about “Your Built-in Tower of Power” … “Your Built-in Tower of Power”… “Your Built-in Tower of Power” … I keep talking about the class that's going to start on Halloween Day, the live 5-week series that I'm teaching on Thursdays … “Your Built-in Tower of Power.”
And you may be thinking, “That just sounds like another self-development tool that I’ve got to buy.”
Well, actually, it’s a tool that’s already built in. You're just not using it properly. I can tell you that in most cases, you do not use your Built-In Tower of Power correctly.
Allow me an example from my own life:
Here is the little worksheet that I use every time I get a great idea and it's time to employ the Tower of Power. Here’s what I did with an idea last week …
So a week ago I thought, “You know what? Why don't I just start three podcasts all at once?”
I've been stalling on it. I've been thinking about it. I've been talking to people about it. I've been milling around the harbor, coming up with all kinds of research on this … stall tactics!
And I thought, “Instead of just launching one at a time, let's just launch all three at once.”
Now, if I were to immediately trot that marvelous, intuitive idea DOWN to my reasoning mind, guess what would come up?
All kinds of the wrong things! All kinds of REASONABLE thinking that would tell me why this is absolutely insane. I mean, I don't have a podcast up now. Why would I want three all at once? Think about the cost, think about the time, think about all the investment! Think about how you're going to get people to watch three podcasts when all you really want to do is get AN audience watching something, right?
No. Can’t work that way. This is why you start at the TOP of your Tower of Power.
I’ve decided that I want to start launching three podcasts all at once. Now, getting the IMAGINATION involved on this at the very beginning is key. You start thinking about all the wins. You start thinking about all the reasons WHY you can launch three at one time, and what the leverage is from that.
So I wrote things like … “For the Best of Laguna Beach podcast, it allows for more willing sponsors.
“For my restaurants podcast, it’s helping me create the book that I'm creating with my fellow podcast partner, Bruce Russo.
“For the Golden Ticket podcast (whose name will change), this allows for speaking opportunities, more time on stage and more time in front of groups to teach this kind of concept in-depth. So there are all kinds of wins.”
First Imagination. Then Will.
Now. You keep building out the imagination, coming up with all of the wins on the results side of this, and then you keep moving down the tower to your WILL.
Your WILL is where you make the committed decision to move forward. And once you make the committed decision to move forward, you've got to back it up. You've got to backhoe all kinds of reasons why this is such a great leveraged idea. And then you need to point immediately to Immediate Actions you're going to take. Bullet points of Immediate Actions!
Now initially, I just scribbled down on this sheet, but then I start creating the whole master plan.
So with the WILL, we're looking at the fact that I've got a bunch of great podcasters out there that I can use an example template. I already have contact with people who create podcasts and know teams that create podcasts. Time to reach out to them. I already have this network in place. I can already go to big name people and say, “Hey, I would like you to support or endorse my podcast.”
So these are the ideas that you start putting into that committed decision. I often talk about escape hatches … building in escape hatches for your big idea. These are not allowed here. This is where the WILL makes that committed decision and moves forward on immediate action.
From there, we move into MEMORY.
Now, I could go back to all the reasons why I've never created a podcast in the first place and point to all kinds of failures in my life because I tried this and it didn't work well. Or I can look at the MEMORY portion of my Tower of Power and say, “I actually did achieve this, and it took a little longer than I thought it did, but this is what it taught me. Or, I actually achieved this faster than I thought I would, and it went bigger than I thought it would.”
So here's where you start looking at all the memories of things that you've collected in the past that have to do with your successes in and around how it applies to this new idea that you have in play.
Skew your Perception TOWARD the big idea
Then you move into PERCEPTION because your perception can skew anything, and you want your perception skewed TOWARD you, toward you! This big idea that's coming down the Tower of Power … if you were to do it the other way around, your perception would skew all kinds of bad stuff about how things hadn't happened, how you hadn't been able to get it together, how you didn't have the support system to help you out, how it's never going to happen, how you don't even know how to use Canva, how you don't know how to do load podcasts to “the cloud.”
Well, whatever. You can come up with all that, or you can come down your Tower of Power and say, “Okay, I've already girded my Will with these reasons from a higher plane of thinking.
“Now I'm moving into the Memories and the successes that I've created that are very similar to this. I’m looking at the people and the support system that I had for those particular wins, and now I'm moving into Perception, which shows that I actually win more than I fail. If something looks like it's failed, it's something that I can reconfigure, recreate the mousetrap of and go at it again. These are learning curves, not failures.”
Changing the Reasoning Mind to SING your tune
THEN, when you come down to the REASONING MIND, you have all of your reasons already in place. You have all of your arguments closely and figuratively figured out. So the reasoning mind isn't fighting you any longer on this particular idea. You have formed the belief moving down the Tower of Power.
But like I said above, each section of your Tower of Power becomes a bigger piece of instructional material, and this is what I'm teaching in my course, the 5-week course, your Built-In Tower of Power.
Of course, you can use this worksheet and do whatever you want with it, but what I do is … I walk you through … not just in a group, but individually through your idea over the next 60 days.
And we figure out how to build out each of the sections so that your Tower of Power is rocking. As it's rocking, you are building great, tremendous leverage and huge energetic exchange with all of the good that supports you on this particular item.
You and I are going to achieve your result. No question.
I know that this is what works. Using your built-in Tower of Power in the right order, knowing how to direct and manage – this is key. This is what the course is all about.
See all the details of how this works for you … how it works for you in business, how it works for you and your entire business team. It doesn’t matter if it's C-suite executives or 2,000 network marketers in your downline – THIS is what creates significant leveraged change in very short timeframes.
And I'm here to personally help you every step along the way.
I look forward to seeing you build out your greatest goal and travel DOWN your Tower of Power to success. I'll see you soon.
To your abundance and beyond!
Diane Armitage